
Practical gift-giving

So someone gave you a gift wrapped in sassy purple-and-gold paper with a fancy ribbon to top it all off. Just looking at it makes you feel all itchy and excited to find out what's inside! Of course, you don't want to act like a greedy kid on Christmas morning while everyone is watching you, so you just smile and say thanks as gracefully as possible while holding all the anticipation in. You wait while everyone is away---you hold the package in your hands---your lower lip might even tremble a bit while thinking about the goody inside---you tear the fancy wrap off...and a cheap picture frame you can buy S107 RC helicopter at any department store for P80 pesos greets your eyes. Talk about a major letdown huh?We've all had an experience like this at least once in our lives. We love getting gifts since they make us feel special, but sometimes gift-receiving tends to get pretty ugly. How? Well, the gift may be generic and useless. We know that the person is well-meaning but admit it, we want to scratch the person's eye out for wasting money on something we can't help but resent as decent human beings. Good intentions are cool, but there are such things as misled good intentions. They say it's the thought that counts in giving gifts, but if there is no thought in the first place, if there is just a mindless, automatic reaction to the occasion, then the gift would count for zilch. We hate receiving useless, generic gifts. Naturally, we shouldn't give such gifts to other people. The idea behind giving gifts is to make the recipient feel special, not annoyed or resentful. That is why we should give practical gifts that the person can appreciate. The gift should be appropriate not only to the occasion but to the personality of the recipient as well. It need not be expensive, so long as it's thoughtful and practical with the person's needs in mind.For example, if your friend loves to watch movies, giving a copy of his favorite film or something that he or she would like to rc flying fish watch is a good idea. If your friend tends to get stressed at work too much, a gift certificate to a spa is just perfect (plus it's not that expensive! ). If your friend is particular, a pretty scarf or a flattering shade of lipstick may get you a lot of hugs. For occasions such rc air swimmers as wedding anniversaries or Valentine's, a bunch of flowers never fail to do the trick. The keyword for such occasions is “romance” and nothing spells it better than a bouquet of fresh, high-quality flowers specially handpicked for the occasion. There are several shops that sell flowers both online and on the streets, wherein they offer delivery to your loved ones. Delivery is usually efficient and hassle-free, so you might want to try the delivery service of your chosen flower shop.Remember, pour effort into giving gifts to the people you love. Make sure that the gift is thoughtful and practical, and who knows, the people around you may stop giving you picture frames on your birthday.

